A quick hop in a Cirrus Jet or a trans-continental journey in a luxury Gulfstream – whatever your needs,we have a wide selection of jets to suite your lifestyle and budget.
Trip Type: * RoundtripOne Way
Aircraft Tail Number: *
Departure Airport: *
Departure Date: *
Departure Time: *
Arrival Airport: *
Return Date (if Roundtrip):
Return Departure Time (if Roundtrip):
Return Airport (if Roundtrip):
Multi Leg and special requests: (If this is a multi leg trip, please provide details, times, dates and number of passengers per leg.)
Number of Passengers: *
Please list all passenger names and weights: *
Total Baggage Weight: *
Full Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Urgency: * Immediate NeedAM MaintenanceNo preference
Aircraft Model: *
Airport/Location: *
Sqk Details or Mx Needed: *
Maintenance Type: * Part 135Part 91
Any Special Sign-Offs Required? * NoYes
If Yes, Please Describe:
RII Tech needed? * NoYes
Any Special Equipment or Training Required? * NoYes
Aircraft Times are: * SuppliedOn Aircraft Logbook
Any other details we should know:
Notes: HondaJet Mx signoffs are under the 145 Repair Station.
All Mx signoffs are using A&P Certificates, with Drug Program letter as wanted.
We complete a basic inspection similar to a Part 145 Incoming Inspection, prior to any Mx actions.